Cruiser Report – Thursday 26th May

7 boats took to the start tonight including a debut for Jeressa. Though tempted into spinnaker starts, the wind was so light and fluky as to make it difficult to keep kites filled. However, once round the mark and beating into Ryeman, the wind started to fill, just after the course had been shortened!

Free Spirit was having difficulty pointing as high as Jeressa, and as they rounded the Mount mark, their reluctance to fly a spinnaker again cost them as Laid Back came over them with full kite in flow. Disting and Bewitched as ever had raced well upwind but Laidback pulled away for line honours. But 40 seconds too slow to deny Jeressa a well-deserved win in her first race.

In the club afterwards, warm congratulations were offered to Ben & Angus Ruddle who, having travelled from Bridgend, had sailed their Wayfarer to and from the Isles of Scilly. The spirit of adventure lives on!

1.Jeressa 2. Laid Back 3. Disting 4. Free Spirit 5. Bewitched 6. Pepsi

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