
With a range of events taking place throughout the year why not take a look at the Sailing Programme and put some dates in your diary.


Penzance Around Scilly and Back (PASAB) is our annual race to the Isles of Scilly and is made up of three legs.

Sailing instructions

The combined sailing instructions for both dinghy and cruiser competitors.

Cruiser courses

The courses for our inshore races are set on the day of the race by the duty Race Officer. The start line is normal our club line laid east of our clubhouse.


Cruiser racing results. Updated as racing progresses.

Cruiser safety

Enclosed is information that could make your sailing experience even safer.

Handicap system

We utilised the RYAYTC (Royal Yachting Association Yacht Time Correction) system for cruiser racing.

Want to know more about cruiser sailing?